Travel Tahoe Reservation Cancellation Policy

Please note that all bookings on Travel Tahoe are handled by third-party vendors. As a result, cancellation policies vary depending on the vendor. We strongly advise you to review the cancellation policy carefully before making a reservation.

Contacting the Third-Party Vendor

If you have any questions or concerns regarding cancellations, please contact the third-party vendor directly. Their contact information will be provided upon booking confirmation.

Third-Party Vendor Responsibility

Third-party vendors are solely responsible for handling cancellations and issuing refunds. Travel Tahoe does not have the authority to intervene in vendor cancellation procedures.

Travel Tahoe’s Role

Travel Tahoe acts as a platform to connect travelers with third-party vendors. We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information about vendor cancellation policies. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information and recommend that you always verify with the vendor directly.